Tuesday, May 31, 2011

That's what I like to read.

"Gluten-free baked goods full of flavor."  You don't say.  No really.  You normally don't say.  Check out this article in the NY Times.  

I'd noticed -- even in my short time as a GF girl -- that my local supermarkets have transformed into mini Fresh Fields Whole Foods, that no longer does every one stare blankly at me when I somewhat sheepishly decline the bun on my burger, and in general that the consumer foods industry has begun to show more understanding.  But when the Times chose to comment on something more important, i.e. actual flavor in GF foods, I had to thank my good friend Ms. Ecology for passing along the article.  

This is a good thing.  And while it's got a long way to go, it's already showing up in strange places.  My favorite story is still from a local haunt in my college town known to everyone as the joint (you really couldn't call this anything but a joint) "where students, tourists, & townspeople meet," as they've so kindly pointed out on their roof in large, white, painted letters.  

Hell, check out the aerial view.

During one particular dining experience, a friend of mine mentioned that this place served gluten-free cakes.  Choosing among the different types of bacon (delicious or more delicious), I was taken aback by the neon sign on the door announcing their sale.  Probably the owner, I thought to myself.  Alas, the place for breakfast until closing is actually closing.  But I'm hoping the legacy (and the GF outreach) will go on!